Celiac – A Deadly Disease

What is Gluten Intolerance and what are the diseases related to it?

Some people have a terrible reaction to a protein found in common foods like wheat, barley and rye. The most extreme form of this lousy reaction is called celiac disease. However, many people suffer from something milder called gluten intolerance.

You will know you have celiac disease because your blood will lack iron, leaving you feeling tired. The joints in your arms and legs might be painful. You might feel depressed or anxious constantly, without any apparent reason. Some people even experience seizures. You might develop liver diseases. Women may find that they miss their menstrual periods, and it this condition can cause them to miscarry their babies. Celiac disease is a dangerous, life-threatening illness. People who have this condition should never eat gluten.

Celiac Disease

Gluten Intolerance and Celiac Disease Facts

But did you know that even if you don’t have celiac disease, you might be intolerant to gluten? It is most noteworthy to ask yourself these questions: Do I often experience abdominal pains or headaches? Do I sometimes feel bloated for no reason? Am I struggling with skin conditions like psoriasis? Do I often feel anxious or depressed? Have I unexpectedly lost weight? Do I sometimes find it difficult to think clearly, as if my mind is foggy? Do my arms or legs sometimes have a strange numb feeling? These are all symptoms of gluten intolerance.

Furthermore, if you have experienced any of these conditions, it does not necessarily mean you have celiac disease, but you should consider cutting gluten out of your diet for a while to see if you feel better. If your symptoms improve when you do not eat staple foods like bread, you may well suffer from gluten intolerance and should adopt a diet that avoids gluten altogether.

Above all, the problem is that human beings did not evolve to eat gluten. Our earliest human ancestors lived mostly off raw food that they gathered, or occasionally meat that they hunted. As a result, our digestive tracts are designed to deal with these foods. It is only recently, with the invention of farming, that we started breeding grasses – which we were never intended to eat. Consequently, we have just not had enough time to develop the ability to successfully break down the gluten contained in favourite staple foods like wheat, barley and rye.

Finally, we should try to avoid food which contains gluten and try to shift to a diet which is good for our health. Check for our best gluten-free products: